Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Exercising Everyday Helps with Weight Loss

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While at the gym, two ladies started talking to my friend and me while we were doing toning exercises for our abs. They wanted to do the exercises so that they could shrink their waist areas. During our conversation, one of them pinched her waist and asked how she could get rid of the fat. I told her aerobic exercises will help.

She told me that she works out only once a week. That was a red flag to me. I told her that in order to shed fat, she'll have to workout more than once a week and eat a healthy low calorie diet. According to the American Council on Exercise, the average adult needs to workout almost everyday of the week for 60-90 minutes in order to lose weight. 

Most people who hear that they have to exercise everyday may find it overwhelming and say, "ain't nobody got time for that?" Start gradually and build up to working out everyday. For instance, 30 minutes three times a week and gradually build up to 1 hour then nearly everyday. It will take time to change and develop a new routine. My rule of thumb is to go no more than one day without exercise. That's a new rule for me because in the past, my rule was to go no more than two days.

Before you start any exercise or weight loss program, consult with your doctor to make sure it's safe for you. A well rounded program will include aerobics, strength training, and flexibility. I do strength training about three times a week using my body weight, machines, or dumbbells. 

I average doing 40 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise nearly everyday. Sometimes, I do 120 minutes about two to three times a week if I have the energy. When I do strength training, I work my total body doing push-ups, squats, or lunges. I stretch or do Yoga for flexibility.

You may start working out everyday and get discouraged because weight loss doesn't happen overnight. It's gradual because you have to mentally adjust to working out more and your body also has to adjust to the change. The average person loses one to two pounds per week with exercise and a low calorie diet. The frequency of exercise and diet go hand in hand. Here's to your health and a successful weight loss. 

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